Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tips for Preventing Cavities
Posted by Ronald Wagner on Sept 28, 2011 

Protecting your teeth has become easier than ever with today’s advanced technologies in both the medical and dental field. Science has cracked the code and discovered the many secrets to protecting your smile. One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your teeth healthy is preventing cavities.
Tips for Preventing Cavities
Brush Your Teeth
One of the easiest ways to prevent cavities is very obvious; brush your teeth. It’s not always possible to brush your teeth after meals, but when you can you should always take time out of your day to do this. You can also contact your dentist and request information about ways to clean your teeth after meals when you are unable to brush.
Eating Healthy
Eating different foods is also a great way to prevent your teeth from getting cavities. Many people think that it is just sugary foods like candy that give us cavities. This isn’t entirely true. While sugary foods play their role it is actually foods that have sticky carbohydrates like chips, breads, and other grains. The way this works is that those foods stick inside your mouth (much easier than the simple sugars in candy) and the microscopic bacteria feed on them. The bacteria, having been fed by the small particles of food that won’t readily leave your mouth, then cause cavities and damage your teeth. It is for this reason why brushing after meals is double important; to remove not only excess bacteria, but the sticky carbohydrates as well.
Floss Your Teeth
Flossing is another great way to protect your teeth and not to mention your gums. If your gums become unhealthy, your teeth will rot so taking care of both of them is essential for overall mouth health. Brushing can miss the areas between your teeth and flossing will help remove what brushing misses. In conjunction with this, talking with your dentist about potential oral rinses or mouth washes may be beneficial as well.
Cut out Acidic Drinks
Cut down on consuming sodas and juices. Soda and juice tend to be very acidic. This high acidity level can wear down the enamel (a protective layer on our teeth) making the teeth weaker and more susceptible to decay. By replacing your beverages with things less acidic like water you can reduce the damage on your teeth. If you simply can’t live without your morning orange juice or your soda at lunch then you can help reduce the acid’s damage by drinking through a straw. Using a straw will help diminish the amount of liquid that comes in contact with your teeth, however this is not as effective as not drinking the drink at all.
Make Regular Dentist Visits
Last but not least seeing your dentist and getting regular cleanings in one of the best tips for preventing cavities. Oral problems in general develop over time and have many, but small warning signs. By seeing a professional regularly you can prevent these problems from developing. A dentist can also advise you in new ways to prevent cavities and ultimately keep your teeth healthy.

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